Wednesday 13 March 2019

Pecha Kucha Style Presentation And Evaluation

As a part of my Unit 8 Assignment, i was tasked with creating a 10 slide PechaKucha style presentation. A PechaKucha presentation is a presentation that consists of no words being displayed on the slides, instead, there are only pictures on every slide. The way the presentation is presented is that you're only meant to spend 20-30 seconds on each slide and explain in detail, but concisely, what is on every page and what it means.

I started off creating my presentation by showing off my previous work and talking about how it has helped me develop and polish my skills. I then went on to have images of the themes so i could break them down individually to my audience and talk about my take on them. After, i began to discuss different media types i could create and then went on to present my 2 initial ideas and my final idea i will be pursuing.

I showed some of the inspiration i want to incorporate in my music video, to my class via screenshots of previously made music videos and broke down what i liked about them and what i want to incorporate into my music video. I then went on to discussing my target audience, equipment i will need and what i would like to do in future.


What Went Well:

In my presentation, i was able to successfully break down my idea to my audience and explain in detail what i plan on doing and why i have chosen to do so. Also, i was able to answer any questions my audience had asked me without hesitation and i feel i was able to do this because i prepared every slide and made flash cards. I received great feedback from my audience after i had presented and was told that i spoke clearly and was able to get the audience engaged.

Even Better If:

In my presentation, i felt that i spent too much time talking on some of the slides because my presentation lasted 7 minutes and i only had 10 slides - i could've been more concise. Moreover, i feel i could've looked at the audience a bit more as i was told that i looked at the board and my flashcards a lot more than at the audience and looking at the audience is key to having a successful presentation. 

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